Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Dumbest Mistake I Ever Made

When I was younger I made a dumb mistake.  In high school, I was so used to having my hand held by every teacher.   In 2006, I graduated from high school with  honors and a gpa of a 3.4.  I was so determined to go to college and become successful for me and my child.  When I began college, I didn't attend tutoring like I should have.  Instead, when it became too hard for me, I dropped out. That was the dumbest mistake I ever made.  I no longer had that security blanket to wrap around me and hold my hand through every step I made. When I was put on academic probation, it crippled my thinking. I no longer thought that I was smart enough to continue.  So, I sat home for three whole years just wondering what I could of been, not what I could become.  I was a failure for six semesters.  When I continued to think about, not only one boy now, but my two boys, I had to get up off my behind and make something more of myself.
    I reregistered at Norfolk State on maybe August 6, 2010.  I applied to start back in the fall of 2010.  School was going to start in less than a month. I had to believe that it could be done.  I got a letter in the mail in about four days after.  Oh the joy that rushed to my veins was undescribable.  I filled out the FAFSA form on August 13,2010.  My financial aid was not approved. I wrote an amazing appeal letter and by the 21st of August, I had enough financial aid for this semester and next semester. Yes, I did it, but I wasted so much time. Now I have a story to tell my boys when they grow older and start to feel failure like is knocking at their door.  My first words will be don't make the dumbest mistake i made.